IBM Analytics IBM Watson Data Platform Membuatnya sederhana untuk semua data dan profesional bisnis untuk berkolaborasi, memvisualisasikan dan berbagi wawasan kritis di seluruh organisasi Anda untuk menemukan gagasan yang mengubah bisnis dengan lebih cepat. Platform swalayan yang unik dan terintegrasi ini memudahkan akses semua jenis data dan menerapkan pengambilan keputusan berdaya AI, untuk hasil data yang lebih baik. SPSS Analisis prediktif Perangkat lunak analisis prediktif SPSS IBM menawarkan teknik lanjutan dalam paket yang mudah digunakan untuk membantu Anda menemukan peluang baru, meningkatkan efisiensi dan meminimalkan risiko. IBM DB2 Database IBM DB2 adalah database pilihan untuk solusi enterprise-wide. Dioptimalkan untuk memberikan kinerja terdepan di industri sambil menurunkan biaya, IBM DB2 menawarkan kinerja, fleksibilitas, skalabilitas dan keandalan yang ekstrem untuk organisasi ukuran manapun. Cognos Analytics on Cloud Business Intelligence Dapatkan layanan mandiri yang Anda harapkan, tata kelola data yang Anda butuhkan, dan laporkan kepercayaan Anda dengan solusi perangkat lunak intelijen bisnis-as-a-service (SaaS) yang aman. IBM BigInsights Hadoop IBM BigInsights adalah standar industri Hadoop yang menggabungkan perangkat lunak open source terbaik dengan kemampuan kelas enterprise. IBM Planning Analytics Financial Performance Management Solusi pengembangan awan yang cepat, mudah, fleksibel dan lengkap yang menggabungkan analisis kuat ke dalam proses pengambilan keputusan sehari-hari Anda. Manajemen Kompensasi Insentif IBM Manajemen Kinerja Penjualan Solusi yang sangat fleksibel dan terukur untuk mengotomatisasi perhitungan insentif dan memberikan laporan kompensasi dan pelaporan online untuk karyawan. Ada banyak permintaan data mining di banyak area di Honda, namun tidak cukup bagi eksekutif LOB untuk memutuskan untuk menggunakan analisis dalam operasi dunia nyata mereka, untuk pengurangan biaya, efektivitas operasi dan penciptaan nilai baru. Turkcell bekerja dengan IBM Business Partner Aksis untuk menggali lebih dalam jutaan dokumen kontrak pelanggan untuk lebih memahami preferensi komunikasi mereka dan mengarahkan strategi pemasaran yang lebih cerdas sambil memastikan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan. Menggantikan spreadsheet dengan solusi IBM Analytics, menghemat analis anggaran Northwestern University satu ton waktu dan kerja. Bekerja dengan Informer Mjlner, sebuah konsultan perangkat lunak dan desain yang inovatif, SEGES menggunakan IBM Watson Analytics untuk mengeksplorasi data yang relevan dan mendapatkan wawasan yang lebih dalam dan dapat ditindaklanjuti mengenai tren pertanian. Mengintegrasikan aplikasi Oracle pada DB2 10 untuk Linux, UNIX, dan Windows Motivation Mengembangkan keterampilan pada topik ini. Konten ini adalah bagian dari jalur pengetahuan progresif untuk memajukan keterampilan Anda. Lihat dasar DB2 untuk para profesional Oracle: Bermigrasi dari Oracle ke DB2 Pada bulan Maret 2009 pada presentasi Cebit yang saya lakukan di DB2, saya membakar loudspeaker komputer 110V yang sebelumnya tidak terpaku pada jaringan listrik 230V Jerman tanpa menggunakan transformator. Pada perjalanan yang sama, saya juga menghancurkan pengisi daya untuk sikat gigi listrik dan gunting jenggot saya dalam insiden serupa. Mengingat ketidakmampuan saya untuk belajar dari kesalahan, tidak mengherankan jika salah satu ucapan favorit saya (asal tidak diketahui) adalah: Masalah dengan standar adalah begitu banyak dari mereka. Dalam dunia sistem manajemen basis data relasional (RDBMS), kita diberkati dengan setidaknya tiga standar utama dan variasi yang tak terhitung jumlahnya: ANSI SQL dan ANSI SQLPSM Oracle SQL dan PLSQL Sybase dan Microsoft174 TSQL Gambar 1 mengilustrasikan diagram Venn bagaimana SQL Dialek tumpang tindih Gambar 1. Babel kebingungan SQL Kapan pun Anda menulis sebuah aplikasi, Anda harus memilih vendor RDBMS mana yang akan digunakan. Begitu Anda telah membuat pilihan itu, Anda pada dasarnya berkomitmen. Setiap usaha untuk mengganti vendor untuk memanfaatkan harga yang lebih rendah, teknologi yang lebih baik, atau kemitraan yang lebih baik digagalkan oleh kode warisan yang memerlukan penulisan ulang ekstensif sebelum dapat digunakan dengan RDBMS lain. Selain itu, keahlian Anda tidak dapat ditransfer dari satu produk ke produk lain dengan mudah seperti yang Anda harapkan. IBM174 DB2174 10 untuk Linux174, UNIX174, dan Windows174 (DB2) secara dramatis menurunkan penghalang untuk aplikasi yang ditulis untuk Oracle saat memungkinkan mereka melakukan DB2. Ini memberi pelanggan dan vendor kemampuan untuk memilih DBMS berdasarkan kelebihannya daripada riwayat aplikasi. DB2 10 mencakup fitur kompatibilitas Oracle Agar aplikasi yang ditulis agar satu RDBMS dapat berjalan di sisi lain yang hampir tidak berubah, banyak potongan harus jatuh pada tempatnya. Mekanisme penguncian yang berbeda, tipe data, SQL, bahasa prosedural yang berada di server, dan bahkan antarmuka klien yang digunakan oleh aplikasi itu sendiri perlu disesuaikan tidak hanya dalam sintaks tapi juga semantik. Semua langkah ini telah dilakukan di DB2. Perubahan adalah pengecualian, bukan aturannya (Anda dapat dengan cepat menilai perubahan aplikasi yang dibutuhkan). Tabel 1 memberikan gambaran singkat tentang fitur yang umum digunakan. Tabel 1. Fitur yang umum digunakan Dengan DB2, Anda tidak perlu memasukkan aplikasi. Anda hanya mengaktifkan aplikasi. Dalam kasus aplikasi paket, bahkan mungkin untuk berbagi satu sumber untuk DB2 dan Oracle. Dengan kata lain, memungkinkan aplikasi Oracle menjadi DB2 menjadi tidak lebih kompleks daripada mengaktifkan program C yang ditulis untuk HP-UX agar berjalan di AIX. Kontrol konkurensi Di masa lalu, salah satu perbedaan paling menonjol antara Oracle dan DB2 telah menjadi pendekatan kontrol concurrency. Frase yang mudah diingat adalah Pembaca tidak memblokir penulis, dan penulis tidak memblokir pembaca. Tabel 2 menunjukkan perilaku konkurensi untuk Oracle. Tabel 2. Perilaku konkurensi Oracle Ternyata tidak ada alasan semantik mengapa transaksi berjalan di bawah isolasi CS menunggu hasilnya saat menghadapi barisan yang berubah. Perilaku yang sama memuaskannya adalah membaca versi terbaru dari baris yang telah diubah. Perilaku ini telah diimplementasikan sejak DB2 9.7. Apa yang terjadi adalah bahwa DB2 hanya mengambil versi terkunci dari baris terkunci dari log. Dalam kasus yang paling umum, baris masih dalam buffer log karena perubahan belum dilakukan. Tetapi bahkan jika baris telah ditulis dan juga telah ditimpa dalam buffer log DB2 tahu persis di mana menemukannya, sehingga satu IO akan membawa versi yang diinginkan ke dalam bufferpool. Seperti ditunjukkan pada Gambar 2, bayangkan pengguna memperbarui nama di tabel karyawan. Sebelum pengguna tersebut melakukan perubahan, pengguna lain memindai tabel tersebut. Secara tradisional, pengguna kedua harus menunggu pengguna pertama melakukan commit atau rollback. Berkat membaca data yang dilakukan saat ini, pemindaian untuk pengguna kedua hanya akan mengambil versi baris dari buffer log yang tidak berisi perubahan pengguna pertama. Gambar 2. Penulis tidak memblokir pembaca Penting untuk dicatat bahwa perilaku ini: Tidak memperkenalkan objek baru seperti segmen rollback. Tidak ada overhead kinerja untuk penulis karena log perlu dituliskan. Tidak dapat menyebabkan situasi seperti snapshot terlalu tua karena dalam kejadian yang sangat tidak mungkin file log dibutuhkan telah diarsipkan (saat transaksi masih terbuka), DB2 akan jatuh kembali dan menunggu kunci tersebut untuk pergi. Selain perubahan ini, teknik penghindaran kunci tambahan telah diperkenalkan ke DB2 untuk menghilangkan pembaca yang memegang kunci di bawah isolasi CS. Tabel 4 menunjukkan perilaku konkurensi baru yang dimiliki DB2 dengan CS. Tabel 4. Perilaku konkurensi DB2 baru dengan CS Seperti yang dapat Anda lihat, perilaku konkurensi sekarang identik dengan Oracle. Sebenarnya, database DB2 yang dibuat sejak DB2 9.7 menunjukkan perilaku ini secara default. Tipe data baru Inti dari setiap database adalah datanya. Jenis yang tidak cocok atau semantik yang tidak serasi dari jenis ini dapat secara serius mempengaruhi kemampuan untuk mengaktifkan aplikasi ke RDBMS lain. Jadi untuk memungkinkan aplikasi Oracle berjalan di DB2, sangat penting untuk mendukung jenis dasar non-standar, seperti string, tanggal, dan angka. Selain menyelaraskan tipe dasar ini, ada jenis lain yang lebih kompleks yang umum digunakan pada PLSQL Oracles yang tersedia sejak DB2 9.7, seperti ditunjukkan pada Tabel 5. Tabel 5. Tipe data DB2 baru Dukungan untuk NUMBER dan NUMBER (p, s) memiliki Telah ditambahkan berdasarkan DECFLOAT (dengan akselerasi hardware Power) dan DECIMAL. Perilaku tipe VARCHAR2 mencakup string kosong yang ditafsirkan sebagai NULL dan mengikuti pemeriksaan sensitif kosong. NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, dan NCLOB Tipe Karakter Nasional memberikan dukungan string double-byte untuk database Unicode. Database dalam mode Oracle DATE mencakup komponen TIME disamping tanggal kalender. Skala fraksi detik dapat dipilih antara 0 (waktu tanggal) sampai 12 (pico detik). Jenis ini bisa digunakan dalam logika prosedural, variabel, dan parameter untuk rutinitas. Dukungan ARRAY dalam prosedur telah diperluas untuk mendukung metode dan sintaks VARRAY. Selain array reguler, DB2 juga mendukung array asosiatif. Jenis komposit ini dapat digunakan dalam variabel dan parameter, dan sebagai elemen pada array dan array asosiatif. Ref Cursor type Cursors dapat ditugaskan ke variabel atau melewati parameter yang digunakan. Ekspresi casting dan tipe implisit Jika berjalan seperti bebek, dan itu berbicara seperti bebek, maka pasti bebek. Inilah mantra dari banyak bahasa baru seperti PHP dan Ruby. Setiap literal adalah string dan kemudian digunakan sebagai tipe lain berdasarkan konteks. Dalam kepatuhan dengan standar SQL dan mengikuti filosofi bahwa ketidakcocokan jenis kemungkinan merupakan indikasi kesalahan pengkodean, DB2 secara tradisional mengikuti peraturan mengetik yang kuat, di mana senar dan numerik tidak dapat dibandingkan kecuali jika ada yang secara eksplisit dilemparkan ke yang lain. Sayangnya, ketika aplikasi Oracle menggunakan mengetik lemah di SQL-nya, aplikasi tersebut sebelumnya akan gagal untuk kompilasi terhadap DB2. Sejak DB2 9.7, casting implisit (atau mengetik lemah) telah menjadi default. Artinya, senar dan angka dapat dibandingkan, ditugaskan, dan dioperasikan dengan cara yang sangat fleksibel. Selain itu, NULL yang tidak diketik dapat digunakan di lebih banyak tempat, sementara spidol parameter untyped dapat digunakan hampir di mana saja, berkat persiapan yang ditangguhkan. Artinya, DB2 tidak akan menyelesaikan jenis penanda parameter sampai ia melihat nilai sebenarnya yang sebenarnya. Untuk melengkapi casting implisit, DB2 juga mendukung defaulting parameter rutin serta asosiasi argumen dengan parameter berdasarkan nama. Extended built-in fungsi perpustakaan di DB2 Semua RDBMs menyediakan perpustakaan fungsi untuk beroperasi pada data. Masalahnya adalah bahwa tidak ada dua menggunakan nama yang sama untuk fungsi ini, bahkan jika pada akhirnya fungsinya sangat mirip. Selain seperangkat fungsi tradisionalnya sendiri, DB2 sekarang mendukung perpustakaan yang kompatibel dengan Oracle. Daftar berikut ini memberikan gambaran singkat, namun ini sama sekali bukan daftar yang lengkap: Konversi dan fungsi pemeran TODATE TOCHAR TOCLOB TONUMBER TOSINGLEBYTE TOTIMESTAMP Masing-masing fungsi ini mendukung seperangkat senar format yang kaya. Peningkatan tumpang tindih dalam fungsi yang didukung antara kedua produk tersebut menyiratkan keberhasilan out-of-the-box yang sangat meningkat, memungkinkan aplikasi Oracle ke DB2. Oracle SQL dialect support Artikel ini, sejauh ini, telah mencakup concurrency, tipe data, typing, dan fungsi. Tapi perbedaan antara Oracle dan DB2 lebih dalam dari pada ini. Kain dari dialek SQL, kata kunci dan semantik mereka berbeda di beberapa area. Juga setiap produk mendukung beberapa fitur yang lain tidak. Bila fitur ini populer, mereka membatasi kemampuan untuk mengirimkan SQL yang umum terhadap kedua produk tersebut, yang dapat mendorong banyak tweak bahasa kecil dan besar. Tabel 6 mencantumkan beberapa sorotan. Tabel 6. Dukungan SQL Baru Berfungsi untuk mengaburkan objek PLSQL untuk melindungi vendor IP Paket lainnya tersedia seperti pada Aplikasi Enablement Oracle ke DB2 untuk wiki LUW. Di lokasi ini, Anda juga bisa menemukan berbagai petunjuk dan tip lainnya serta informasi latar belakang. Oracle JDBC spesifik JDBC adalah antarmuka klien Java standar. Namun ada ekstensi yang ditambahkan ke driver Oracles JDBC untuk mendukung tipe data non-standar tertentu. Untuk memaksimalkan tingkat kompatibilitas aplikasi berbasis teknologi Java, driver DB2 JDBC menyediakan, antara lain, mendukung prosedur panggilan dengan kursor referensi, VARRAY. Dan parameter ROW. Dukungan untuk aplikasi OCI Banyak aplikasi Oracle C yang lebih tua menggunakan Oracle Client Interface (OCI) untuk berkomunikasi dengan DBMS. Sejak DB2 9.7 menyediakan klien yang kompatibel dengan OCI yang disebut DB2CI, yang mendukung lebih dari 150 fungsi OCI yang kompatibel dari OCIAttrGet sampai OCITransRollback. Dengan Fix Pack 2, bahkan API OCI7 juga tersedia. Dalam banyak kasus, adalah mungkin untuk hanya relink aplikasi OCI ke perpustakaan DB2CI, memungkinkan aplikasi OCI untuk bekerja melawan DB2 hampir tidak berubah. Buat saja yang berikut ini termasuk file bernama oci. h: include ltdb2ci. hgt. Pastikan bahwa oci. h yang baru ada sebelum Oracles oci. h di PATH. Kemudian ganti opsi link - loci. dll dengan - ldb2ci. dll di makefile Anda dan kompilasi ulang aplikasi Anda. Dukungan script SQLPlus menggunakan CLPPlus Seringkali, skrip DDL dan bahkan laporan ditulis menggunakan prosesor baris perintah SQLPlus. Agar memudahkan untuk mentransfer skrip ini dan juga keahlian pengembang untuk menuliskannya, DB2 menyediakan prosesor baris perintah SQLPlus yang kompatibel, yang disebut CLPPlus, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 5. Gambar 5. Alat CLPPlus yang kompatibel dengan SQLPlus Alat ini menyediakan Berikut fungsionalitasnya. Opsi perintah yang kompatibel dengan SQLPlus Substitusi variabel Format kolom Fungsi pelaporan Variabel kontrol Oracle Forms enablement Oracle Forms adalah produk perangkat lunak lawas yang digunakan untuk membuat sistem entri data untuk database. Beberapa pelanggan dan ISV memiliki ratusan layar Oracle Forms yang merupakan atau merupakan bagian dari aplikasi. IBM telah bermitra dengan realease LLC dan WonderWorks Group untuk menyediakan kemampuan Oracle Forms to Java conversion. Kedua mitra menyediakan tooling yang menerjemahkan bentuk Oracle ke bahasa Jawa dengan cara yang sangat otomatis, efisien, dan mudah dipelihara untuk melestarikan tampilan dan nuansa dari Bentuk asli GUI tanpa menciptakan ketergantungan baru pada produk pihak ketiga. WonderWorks FusionPaaS dapat mengubah aplikasi Oracle Fusion Forms yang klasik, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 6, ke dalam aplikasi J2EE, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 7, yaitu 100 persen web-enabled, berjalan di iPad misalnya atau perangkat cerdas lainnya. , Dan diintegrasikan ke dalam aplikasi Web 2.0, seperti Google Maps. Gambar 6. Original Oracle Fusion Forms Gambar 7. Bentuk yang dikonversi menggunakan FusionPaaS Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang WonderWorks FusionPaaS, lihat kertas putih pada Aplikasi Enablement Oracle ke DB2 untuk wiki LUW. Penyempurnaan terus menerus Karena semakin banyak pelanggan dan mitra yang memungkinkan DB2, permintaan dan penyempurnaan fitur ditambahkan ke dalam paket DB2 Fix Pack untuk terus meningkatkan tingkat kompatibilitas. DB2 9.7 Fix Pack 1 Fix Pack 1 memperkenalkan kemampuan berikut. CCFLAGS mendukung untuk memaksimalkan jumlah kode bersama antara Oracle dan DB2 untuk aplikasi vendor. FORALL dan BULK COLLECT support. Fungsi SUBSTRB dan penyempurnaan ke SUBSTR. Perbaikan penanganan ekspresi Boolean. Klien DB2CI yang kompatibel dengan aplikasi OCI. BUAT ATAU REPLACE untuk jenis. Diperpanjang dukungan untuk fungsi PLSQL, seperti parameter INOUT, kemampuan untuk menulis ke tabel dari sebuah fungsi, dan banyak lagi. Kemitraan dengan realease untuk memungkinkan aplikasi Oracle Forms. DB2 9.7 Fix Pack 2 Fix Pack 2 memperkenalkan kemampuan berikut. NCHAR NVARCHAR2. Dan dukungan NCLOB, bersama dengan berbagai fungsi NCHAR, seperti TONCHAR dan TONCLOB. Obfuscation kode PLSQL menggunakan fungsi DBMSDDL. WRAP dan DBMSDDL. CREATEWRAPPED. Dinamai pemanggilan parameter dan DEFAULT dalam fungsi. DEFAULT s dalam prosedur yang tidak pada akhirnya. BULK COLLECT peningkatan kinerja. DB2 9.7 Fix Pack 3 Fix Pack 3 memperkenalkan kemampuan berikut. Kemampuan untuk membandingkan LOB kecil untuk mengatasi keterbatasan ukuran halaman. NUMBER penyempurnaan kinerja RATIOTOREPORT berfungsi. Perbaikan RAISEAPPLICATIONERROR. Tingkat penegakan tingkat kemurnian DB2 9.7 Fix Pack 4 Fix Pack 4 memperkenalkan kemampuan berikut. Dukungan JDBC untuk ROW dan ARRAY OF ROW. Dukungan pemicu multi-aksi. Dukungan untuk SEBELUM pemicu yang mengupdate database. Dukungan untuk SEPERTI pola non-konstan. Dukungan agregasi string LISTAGG. Perbaikan dukungan transaksi otonom. DB2 9.7 Fix Pack 5 Fix Pack 5 memperkenalkan kemampuan berikut. Dukungan JDBC untuk ROW dan ARRAY bersarang. Dukungan ROW dan ARRAY bersarang untuk PLSQL. NVL2 baru. SUBSTR2. Dan fungsi HEXTORAW. Dukungan untuk BOOLEAN dalam tipe ROW dan ARRAY. Perbaikan dukungan anonim blokir. Dukungan ProC. Peningkatan kinerja untuk SQL membandingkan kolom CHAR dengan nilai VARCHAR2. DB2 10.1 memperkenalkan kemampuan berikut. Up to a magnitude kinerja yang lebih baik untuk logika berat SQL PL dan PLSQL. Dukungan untuk deklarasi tipe lokal ke blok PLSQL. Dukungan untuk deklarasi prosedur lokal ke blok PLSQL. Level pernyataan PLSQL memicu Row and Column Level Access Control (RCAC) yang memudahkan penggalian FGAC. DB2 10.1 Fix Pack 2 Fix Pack 2 memperkenalkan kemampuan berikut. Kinerja yang lebih baik untuk penanganan pengecualian NOTFOUND di PLSQL. Dukungan untuk SUBTYPE di PLSQL. Dukungan untuk fungsi tabel pipelining PLSQL. Izinkan spesifikasi karakter trim untuk fungsi LTRIM dan RTRIM. NUMBER asli dukungan untuk fungsi MOD. Kinerja yang sangat baik untuk debug Data Studio PLSQL dan SQL PL. DB2 10.5 memperkenalkan kemampuan baru berikut ini. Dukungan untuk pengindeksan ekspresi. Dukungan untuk semantik indeks unik yang kompatibel dari Oracle. Izinkan definisi tabel dengan baris melebihi 32KB. Dukungan untuk fungsi INSTRB, INSTR2, INSTR4, LENGTHB, LENGTH2, LENGTH4, dan SUBSTR4. Dukungan untuk sintaks dblink saat mereferensikan tabel jauh. Paket Perbaiki berikutnya dan rilis utama DB2 yang akan datang diharapkan dapat memberikan tingkat kompatibilitas yang lebih tinggi lagi. Mengaktifkan ke DB2 semudah drag and drop Mengingat keselarasan dekat DB2 dengan PLSQL dan Oracle SQL, sekarang tidak ada kebutuhan untuk toolkit migrasi yang kompleks. Sebagai gantinya, Anda dapat menggunakan IBM Data Movement Tool yang digunakan untuk hanya drag dan drop tabel, paket, atau keseluruhan skema dari Oracle ke DB2. Hanya sedikit penyesuaian yang dibutuhkan secara pengecualian untuk memindahkan aplikasi ke DB2, atau memodifikasi aplikasi sehingga sumber yang sama dapat beroperasi baik terhadap DB2 dan Oracle. Langkah-langkahnya bisa sesederhana berikut. Menetapkan variabel registri yang diperlukan: db2set DB2COMPATIBILITYVECTORORA db2set DB2DEFERREDPREPARESEMANTICSYES Restart pengelola database: db2stop db2start Buat database yang kompatibel dengan Oracle: db2 buat database mydb pagesize 32 K db2 update db cfg untuk mydb menggunakan autoreval deferredforce Start up the Data Extract Tool dan hubungkan ke Database Oracle dan DB2 seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 8. Gambar 8. Tarik dan lepaskan skema Oracle ke DB2 menggunakan IBM Data Extract Tool Setelah Anda terhubung, Anda dapat memilih untuk mengekstrak DDL saja atau DDL dan data keduanya. Akhirnya, Anda memiliki dua pilihan: gunakan secara langsung dengan mengeksekusi skrip yang dihasilkan, atau lanjutkan dengan panel penyebaran interaktif. Yang kemudian direkomendasikan untuk kebanyakan aplikasi non-sepele. Pindahkan skema yang diinginkan dari Oracle ke DB2 menggunakan penyebaran interaktif seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 9. Gambar 9. Tarik dan lepaskan skema Oracle ke DB2 menggunakan IBM Data Extract Tool Dalam mode penyebaran interaktif, Anda akan melihat sebuah pohon navigasi yang menampilkan semua objek yang diambil dari database Oracle. . Pilih semua objek dan jalankan opsi deploy menu. Akibatnya, alat tersebut akan menyalin objek ke DB2 dan mencatat kemajuannya. Beberapa objek mungkin gagal diterapkan dengan sukses, dan alat ini memberi Anda pilihan untuk bekerja dengan mereka. Saat memilih sebuah objek, Anda akan melihat DDL beserta error DB2 yang ditemui. Sekarang Anda bisa memperbaiki definisi sesuai kebutuhan dan pemindahan. Tujuannya adalah untuk secara interaktif memindahkan semua objek ke DB2 secara pengecualian. Ukuran pemberdayaan ke DB2 Jadi, betapa mudahnya mengaktifkan aplikasi Anda ke DB2 10 Jawabannya tentu saja tergantung. IBM memiliki alat untuk mendownload yang disebut MEET DB2. Alat ini bisa menganalisa semua objek di database Oracle anda dan mencetaknya. Ini menghasilkan laporan tentang apa yang akan berhasil di luar kotak dan di mana penyesuaian perlu dilakukan. Untuk mendapatkan ide cepat, Anda bisa mendownload MEET DB2 dan mencobanya sendiri. Jika Anda lebih suka, tim IBM Anda, dapat dijangkau di askdataca. ibm. Dapat membantu dengan cepat memberikan penilaian kompatibilitas database Oracle Anda saat ini. Gambar 10 menunjukkan contoh output dari alat MEU DB2. Gambar 10. Alat laporan MEET DB2 untuk penilaian Dalam contoh laporan, alat ini menunjukkan bahwa 98 dari pernyataan PLSQL segera dapat dipindahtangankan ke DB2. Ini juga memecah pernyataan menurut jenis objek dan menunjukkan berapa banyak dari setiap jenis objek yang memerlukan perhatian selama migrasi. Sejak DB2 9.7, ratusan aplikasi yang berjumlah jutaan baris kode PLSQL telah dianalisis secara rinci dengan kecepatan transfer out-of-the-box rata-rata 90-100 persen. Gambar 11 menunjukkan statistik yang dijalankan terhadap DB2 9.7 Fix Pack 5. Gambar 11. Median lebih dari 98 persen pernyataan didukung Th2 terbesar 74 aplikasi dari 171 menghasilkan lebih dari 2,5 juta baris kode. Antara 90,1 persen dan 99,9 persen garis kode segera dapat dipindahtangankan ke DB2. Pendekatan arsitektur DB2s terhadap konversi aplikasi pada dasarnya berbeda dari konversi klasik. Sebagian besar vendor menyediakan tooling yang menerjemahkan dari bahasa sumber ke bahasa target secara offline dan dengan bantuan manual. Hasilnya adalah kode yang sangat berbelit-belit yang sangat sulit dipertahankan. Beberapa vendor menambahkan lapisan mencegat yang meniru bahasa sumber dalam bahasa target secara dinamis. Tentu saja, emulasi lambat menurut desain, terutama bila ada usaha yang dilakukan untuk mencapai semantik yang benar. Untuk DB2, kompatibilitas dibangun jauh ke dalam semua lapisan mesinnya, yang berhubungan dengan semantik dan sintaksis. Alih-alih bekerja di sekitar keterbatasan, DB2 telah diperpanjang secara native untuk mendukung fitur yang diperlukan. Diagram arsitektur pada Gambar 12 menyoroti area DB2 yang mengalami perubahan signifikan untuk mendukung dialek Oracle SQL dan PLSQL. Gambar 12. Arsitektur Mesin Kompilator DB2 dan Mesin Rusak Bagian untuk parser SQL dan penulisan ulang di kompiler SQL, parser PLSQL di kompiler PL, runtime PL, dan runtime SQL diperluas secara signifikan atau ditambahkan untuk mengakomodasi dialek Oracle. Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan Apakah teknologi ini siap untuk aplikasi kritis Salah satu bank terbesar AS telah mempercayakan sistem perbankan online-nya ke teknologi ini. Jika Anda memeriksa rekening bank AS Anda hari ini Anda kemungkinan telah mendorong eksekusi Paket PLSQL di DB2. Versi Oracle yang mana yang mendukung DB2 10 Cakupan yang diberikan untuk dialek SQL dan PLSQL benar-benar didasarkan pada apa yang digunakan oleh aplikasi. Ada beberapa fitur yang telah diperkenalkan dalam rilis baru-baru ini seperti Oracle 11g yang didukung, sementara beberapa konstruksi yang tersedia di Oracle 8i tidak didukung. Dalam sebuah penelitian terhadap 71 aplikasi yang berjumlah lebih dari 2,5 juta baris, antara 90,1 persen dan 99,9 persen kode dipindahkan ke DB2 9.7.5 tanpa perubahan dengan median lebih dari 98. Banyak penyesuaian yang tersisa dapat diotomatisasi, sejak itu ditangani DB2 10, atau sebaliknya berulang-ulang. Seberapa cepat aplikasi Oracle saya berjalan di DB2 Itu adalah pertanyaan jutaan dolar Sayangnya, persyaratan perizinan Oracle melarang siapa pun dari menerbitkan hasil benchmarking tanpa persetujuan tertulis sebelumnya. Dengan desainnya yang sangat bagus, dan dikonfirmasikan dengan benchmarking jaminan kualitas, sebuah aplikasi yang ditulis terhadap PLSQL di DB2 sama cepatnya dengan yang ditulis terhadap SQL PL di DB2. Vendor yang telah melalui proses pemberdayaan sudah pada umumnya sangat terkejut. Berapa banyak pekerjaan yang diberikannya untuk menyediakan fitur ini Tidak sebanyak yang dipikirkan orang. Beberapa pekerjaan awal, seperti CONNECT BY dan NUMBER. Dilakukan untuk DB2 9.5 dengan cara taktis. Dengan sungguh-sungguh, usaha DB2 9.7 selesai dalam waktu kurang dari 18 bulan. Sejak saat itu, kami terus meningkatkan tingkat kompatibilitas secara bertahap sesuai kebutuhan pelanggan. Apa komplikasi umum dalam mengaktifkan dari Oracle ke DB2 Kompatibilitas DB2 jelas tidak 100 persen, jadi mungkin akan ada beberapa cegukan saat Anda pertama kali masuk ke DB2. Banyak dari tantangan ini sepele dan mudah diperbaiki. Sebagai contoh, DB2 tidak mendukung fungsi yang dinyatakan secara lokal. Jadi Anda perlu mengeluarkan fungsi yang dinyatakan ke dalam paket atau menggantinya dengan prosedur yang dinyatakan secara lokal. Edisi DB2 yang mendukung fitur kompatibilitas Oracle SQL Semua fitur yang dijelaskan di atas didukung di semua platform yang didukung oleh DB2 untuk Linux, UNIX, dan Windows. Ini termasuk Windows, Linux (di Intel, Power, dan mainframe), HP, dan Sun Solaris. Semua edisi DB2 didukung. Ada beberapa batasan teknis saat menggunakan fungsi dan pemicu PLSQL di DPF. Apakah DB2 Express-C mendukung PLSQL Ya Anda bisa keluar dari batasan ukuran database Oracle XE dengan berpindah ke DB2 10 Express C. Dan yang terbaik: Anda bisa mencobanya di atas awan (lihat bagian topik terkait). Apa fitur yang paling sulit diterapkan Sejauh ini, semantik VARCHAR2 adalah yang paling sulit diterapkan. The trailing blank is matter semantics dan NULL adalah string kosong terus tantangan. Kesimpulan Berkat dukungan native multi-dialect SQL-nya, DB2 baru memungkinkan kemudahan penerapan aplikasi Oracle ke DB2. Vendor aplikasi paket dapat menawarkan aplikasi mereka pada Oracle dan DB2 dengan biaya tambahan minimal. Pelanggan dapat dengan bebas memilih vendor yang menawarkan teknologi yang mereka butuhkan tanpa dibatasi oleh pilihan masa lalu. Untuk menguji fitur ini, unduh versi uji coba DB2 10 (lihat bagian Topik terkait). Sumber daya yang dapat didownload Topik terkait Ambil Lokakarya DB2 gratis dan serba guna untuk Profesional Oracle untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang topik ini. Baca Apa yang baru di DB2 10 untuk Linux, UNIX dan Windows. Masalah Waktu: Pengelolaan Data Temporal di DB2 10 menawarkan lebih banyak informasi. Pelajari lebih lanjut dengan membaca Rekomendasi Pengelolaan Data Multi-Suhu DB2 V10.1. Simak DB2 V10.1 Query Performance Enhancements. Kunjungi IDUG DB2 Tech Channel untuk mendengarkan dan menonton video DB2 Tech Talk pada topik seperti menyelam mendalam DB2 10 pada fitur utama dari rilis produk baru. Lihat launchpad DB2 10 untuk mendapatkan ikhtisar tentang nilai DB2. Simak MEET DB2 dan analisis database Oracle Anda untuk memperkirakan tingkat kompatibilitas dengan DB2. Watch the Moving to DB2 adalah video Mudah untuk demonstrasi yang memberikan gambaran penerapan aplikasi ke DB2. DB2 CLPPlus menunjukkan penggunaan shell CLPPlus yang kompatibel dengan SQLPlus. Tonton DB2: Dukungan PLSQL Asli yang menampilkan banyak fitur PLSQL yang didukung oleh DB2. Simak DB2 pureScale. Dengan DB2 pureScale, Anda dapat memperkecil dan menyediakan ketersediaan untuk aplikasi OLTP Anda. Simak IBM DB2 e-kit untuk Database Professionals, daftarkan diri untuk e-kit ini, dan pelajari betapa mudahnya mendapatkan sertifikasi dan sertifikasi untuk DB2 untuk Linux, UNIX, dan Windows. Perluas portofolio keterampilan Anda, atau perpanjang dukungan vendor DBMS Anda untuk menyertakan DB2. Coba IBM DB2 Express-C 10 dalam mode kompatibilitas dan di awan. Dengan menggunakan cloud, Anda dapat dengan mudah menguji kompatibilitas DB2 dengan Oracle tanpa perlu menginstal DB2 secara lokal. Download versi percobaan gratis dari DB2 10 untuk Linux, UNIX, dan Windows. Download DB2 Express-C 10. versi tanpa biaya server database DB2 Express untuk masyarakat. Evaluasi produk IBM dengan cara yang paling sesuai untuk Anda: Download percobaan produk, cobalah produk secara online, gunakan produk di lingkungan awan, atau habiskan beberapa jam di Sandbox SOA untuk mempelajari cara menerapkan Arsitektur Berorientasi Layanan secara efisien. Sign in atau daftar untuk menambahkan dan berlangganan komentar. Database dan Log Pemulihan TSM Database versi 5.5 dan yang lebih awal Informasi ini telah dipindahkan ke halaman terpisah karena TSM 5.x sekarang tidak didukung TSM 5.x Struktur basis data dasar TSM menggunakan Database relasi DB2 Ini berarti bisa jauh lebih besar dari database lawas lama, tidak memerlukan audit database dan secara otomatis akan mengatur ulang dirinya sendiri jika diperlukan. Software mirroring database tidak lagi didukung. Satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah Anda tidak dapat memiliki aplikasi DB2 lain yang berjalan di server yang sama dengan yang hosting database TSM Anda, meskipun Anda dapat memiliki beberapa contoh TSM di satu host server. Contoh TSM adalah segala sesuatu yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan server TSM, termasuk database, log, storage pools, dll. Karena database DB2, adalah mungkin untuk terhubung secara langsung, di luar TSM dan menjalankan perintah kueri. Untuk melakukannya di lingkungan Windows, ikuti prosedur ini: Buka command prompt Windows. Jalankan perintah db2cmd. Ini akan membuka jendela perintah baru dengan lingkungan DB2. Dari jendela baru ini, jalankan perintah berikut. Set DB2INSTANCEserver1 db2 terhubung ke TSMDB1 db2 set skema TSMDB1 Di lingkungan UNIX atau Linux, prosesnya adalah: Log on dengan instance user ID. Dari shell, jalankan perintah berikut. Db2 terhubung ke skema set TSMDB1 db2 TSMDB1 Setelah Anda terhubung ke database, Anda dapat menjalankan perintah pilih DB2. Misalnya untuk mendapatkan daftar semua indeks tabel yang digunakan oleh server Tivoli Storage Manager, jalankan perintah berikut: db2 pilih indname dari syscat. indexes dimana indschemaTSMDB1 Untuk mendapatkan daftar indeks yang digunakan oleh tabel tertentu, gunakan Parameter tabname untuk mengidentifikasi nama tabel. Sebagai contoh, untuk mendapatkan daftar indeks yang digunakan oleh tabel BACKUPOBJECTS, jalankan perintah berikut: db2 pilih indname dari syscat. indexes dimana indschemaTSMDB1 dan tabnameBACKUPOBJECTS Untuk mendapatkan daftar nama tabel, jalankan perintah berikut: db2 quotselect tabname dari syscat. tables di mana tabschemaTSMDB1 dan tipeVquot Database ukuran dan tuning Database dapat ada di sampai 128 direktori atau kontainer untuk menggunakan istilah DB2 yang benar. Data bergaris rata di seluruh direktori dan kontainer tidak memerlukan format awal sebelum dapat digunakan. Output Q DBSPACE di bawah menunjukkan sebuah database bergaris-garis di atas 3 kontainer. LOKASI TOTAL UKURAN SPACE MENGGUNAKAN FREE SPACE File System (MB) TERSEDIA (MB) tsmtivolidbdir001 102,144 6,919,22 98,224 tsmtivolidbdir002 102,144 6,919,22 98,224 tsmtivolidbdir003 102,144 6,919,22 98,224 Ketika database TSM pada awalnya dibuat pada beberapa sistem berkas, database tersebut akan disebarkan secara merata. Atas semua sistem berkas Namun jika Anda menambahkan file sistem ekstra ke ruang database menggunakan perintah dbs memperpanjang, DB2 tidak akan menyeimbangkan database untuk menyebarkan data secara merata. Ini berarti bahwa jika beberapa ruang berkas asli 100 penuh, mereka masih akan penuh setelah ruang berkas baru ditambahkan dan ini bisa menyebabkan TSM berhenti. Jika Anda menjalankan TSM Server V6.2 atau di atas Anda dapat menyeimbangkan database secara dinamis dengan menggunakan perintah DB2. I suggest that you look up the IBM technote about this, and also contact IBM for advice before trying this. However in outline the process goes like this: At a quiet time, log into the DB2 command line with the DB2 administrator userid and run these commands db2 connect to tsmdb1 db2 set schema tsmdb1 db2 alter tablespace tablename rebalance The tables that IBM mention in the technote are SYSCATSPACE, USERSPACE1, LARGESPACE1, LARGEIDXSPACE1, IDXSPACE1, SYSTOOLSPACE. It can take about 30 minutes to rebalance a large tablespace. When all tablespaces have done the rebalance and execute the following commands to reduce the same list of tablespaces. db2 alter tablespace tablename reduce max After the rebalancereduce, the file systems should be equally utilized and none should be full The maximum database size for TSM 6.3 and TSM 7.1 is 4TB, and 2TB for TSM 6.2. The DB2 database is largely self tuning, so there is no requirement for DB2 tuning skills. A new parameter, DBMEMPERCENT, replaces the old BUFFPOOLSIZE. This set of buffers contains much more data than the old buffer so the recommendation is to set its size to unlimited. In fact, TSMDB2 will try to change it to unlimited on startup. Deduplication reduces the amount of storage space used for backups, but this comes at the cost of increased database space as TSM must track the metadata needed to reconstitute deduplicated data. There is no exact formula for working out that database increase, but it is possible to estimate the database size impact. Deduplication data is stored in chunks of variable size, but the average size is about 100k. Each chunk uses about 490 bytes in the database, and then another 190 bytes if it is copied to a copy storage pool. Compare that with the normal overhead of 200 bytes needed to store metadata for every copy of every file backed up. If you want to know how many files are stored on your TSM server, use the following select command select sum(cast(numfiles as bigint)) from occupancy where nodename is not null and filespaceid is not null So it would appear reasonably easy to estimate your database size, all you need to know is backup file count and the number of bytes in your storage pools. However it is not quite as easy as this, as the first set of chunks that are created are called base chunks and they are not automatically expired when that file is deleted, as other files may be linked to them. Worst case, and very unlikely, is that this effect could double the chunk count. So, considering an enterprise that is managing 20TB of data, with the primary storage pool deduplicated, and a copy storage pool that is not deduplicated. Estimated of chunks created 200,000,000 (20,000,000,000,000 100,000) Database cost for storing chunks in primary pool 98,000,000,000 (200,000,000 x 490) Database cost for storing chunks in copy pool 38 GB (200,000,000 x 190) Initial estimated database cost for deduplication 136 GB Add in the worst case scenario for non-expiring base chunks then database cost is 272GB If a copy storage pool is deduplicated, the same cost would apply as if it were stored in an additional primary pool. IBM provides a pearl script that provides details on how your database handles deduplication content, once you have been running dedup for a while. Search the IBM site for tsmdedupstats. pl and you should find it. It gives you information like database size broken down by rows in the large tables, the number of client nodes registered, by storage pool, the percentage of pool deduplicated and how many bytes deduplication is saving in each pool. It also gives you detailed deduplication information like chunk count and average chunk size. The database uses DB2 relational consistency rules to prevent incorrect data from entering, and is self auditing. The database will also run automatic runstats from time to time. This is a DB2 feature that optimises storage paths through the database to improve performance. The database also uses relational indices, so it does not require special index tables to speed up SQL queries. Recovery log sizing and tuning TSM has three recovery logs. The Active log contains updates that have not been committed to disk yet and is used for roll-forward or roll-back in case of problems. Once a transaction is committed, the data is moved to the archive log. The default size for the Active log is 2GB and the size can be increased by increments of 512MB right up to 128GB. The Archive log contains committed transaction data and is used for PIT recovery of the database. The Archive log is cleared out by a full database backup. However it retains all data updates applied right back to the second last backup, so you need to size your archive log with that in mind. The Failover Archive log TSM collectively calls these three logs the recovery log, but a DB2 DBA would just call them transaction logs. The log files form part of the TSM database, and unlike the legacy TSM database there is no need to create and format log volumes. The logmode is equivalent to legacy roll-forward. In DB2 terms, these are archive logs, not circular logs. This means that the log files can fill up, so log file management is still required. You can specify a failover log for the Archive log to help prevent this, but the Active log cannot failover and the size is fixed between 2GB and 128GB, so dont allocate all the space that you have available for the Active log, keep some in reserve for emergencies. It is highly recommended that FailoverArchiveLog space be set aside for possible emergency use. You can use slower disks for FailoverArchiveLog space. If the Active log fills up and the server stops, the process to get your TSM server up again is: DSMSERV DISPLAY LOG - to check the current log status Update the Active log size parameter in dsmserv. opt Start the server up Prevention is better than cure, and the active log can become pinned by client sessions that are either hung or running very slowly. A pinned backup can result in the active log becoming full. It is possible to automatically identify and terminate any hung or long-running client sessions by using the THROUGHPUTDATATHRESHOLD and THROUGHPUTTIMETHRESHOLD options. These are specified in the dsmserv. opt file and are used by the server to monitor the status of each client session. If after the amount of time specified by THROUGHPUTTIMETHRESHOLD, the average throughput is less than the value specified by the THROUGHPUTDATATHRESHOLD parameter, then the session will be cancelled by the server. You code these parameters in dsmserv. opt like this: throughputtimethreshold 100 throughputdatathreshold 60 This means that if a session is not achieving an average throughput of at least 60KB per second after running for 100 minutes, the server will cancel this client session. These values are for illustration purposes, you need to pick the values that work best for your site. The archive logs should be automatically deleted after a full database backup completes, but in some cases this might not happen and then the archive logs will continue to grow until the filespace is full. Run the DB2 command get db cfg for tsmdb1 and check the output, which should have the default values set like this. Number of database backups to retain (NUMDBBACKUPS) 1 Recovery history retention (days) (RECHISRETENTN) 0 Auto deletion of recovery objects (AUTODELRECOBJ) ON Once the number of backups specified by the NUMDBBACKUPS is reached, the old backups are marked as expired and will be deleted by the next database backup. The AUTODELRECOBJ parameter specifies whether the database log files, backup images, and load copy images associated with those backups should be deleted at the same time. These parameters cannot be changed from within TSM by a TSM administrator and should not be changed from the DB2 command line, but left at the default values. If you get a LOGREAD388 error, then the TSM server will crash. This error happens when a recovery log volume becomes corrupted. If this happens to you, your first option should be to check your operating system error logs. If they indicate that a file system has corruption errors or disk errors, get your system administrator to check out the operating system and see if the error can be fixed there. Your next option is to check to see if your logs are mirrored, and if so then tell TSM to use the mirror copy. From an OS command line issue the command below and check the output dsmserv display logv this will tell you if the logs are mirrored if the command shows more than one copy for the log files. If they are mirrored, then add the option MIRRORREAD LOG VERIFY in the dsmserv. opt file, and that will force the TSM server to sync from the other copy. If dsmserv. opt already contains a MIRRORREAD line then comment it out to make sure that your option is used. If the TSM server starts OK, then it has fixed the issue by copying the uncorrupted data over from the copy log, and all is well. If this fails, then you will probably have to restore your database to the latest backup, but you might want to contact IBM for further advice first. You may want to change the location of the achive logs, maybe because you have added a bigger file system and this is usually quite easy. Take a full database backup, not just because that is the starting point for any change, but also because a full backup of the TSM database will clear the archive logs down. Halt the TSM server Edit the dsmserv. opt, changing the values for ARCHLOGDirectory and ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIR to your new paths. Start the TSM server up again and the directory structure will be automatically generated in the new empty filesystem. There is no need to copy the archive logs over from the original location, because your full backup emptied them out. If you want to prove to yourself that this worked, then a query log fd command should show the new locations. If you really need to, or even just want to, it is possible to update DB2 directly to change the log location. You should really ask your IBM support rep for advice before you start, but an outline process would go like. backup your database (full), devconfig and volhistory files. Halt your TSM Server Login to your DB2 command line and check the existing log locations with command db2 get db cfg for tsmdb1 Create your new archive log directory and paths, and make sure that the TSM instance user has readwrite access to them. Update DB2 to use the new path structure with these 3 commands, substituting your paths as appropriate db2 update db cfg for tsmdb1 using OVERFLOWLOGPATH tsmnewarchivelogpath db2 update db cfg for tsmdb1 using LOGARCHMETH1 DISK:tsmnewarchivelogarchmethpath db2 update db cfg for tsmdb1 using FAILARCHPATH tsmnewarchivelogfailarchpath run the db2 get db cfg for tsmb1 command again and make sure your changes worked Edit your dsmserv. opt and update the archive log path entry to match the changes you made to DB2 Start your TSM Server up Run the q log fd command and check archive log location. Activity, Schedule and Event logs The TSM server stores information about server and client activity in three places the Activity Log, The Events Log and the Summary Log. The Activity Log tells you everything that is happening on the TSM server, the Events log details all the activity that is triggered by the TSM server Scheduler, including both Admin and Client schedules. The Summary Log, as the name suggests, stores summary data of things like expiration, reclamation, backups and restores. Since TSM 6.0 all three of these logs are stored in the TSM database so they use database space and can cause problems if they hold too much data. To find out how many days worth of data they are holding, run the QUERY STATUS command and look for lines like Activity Log Retention Period: 5 Day(s) Event Record Retention Period: 10 Day(s) Activity Summary Retention Period: 30 Day(s) You can change these default entries using the SET command as shown below. The numbers are for illustration purposes and should not be considered as recommendations. Most people stick with the defaults. If you increase them, then monitor the impact on database size. set ACTlogretention 10 Set EVentretention 12 Set SUMmaryretention 20 If you want to to know exactly how much data is held in the event and summary tables, you could try the following (rather complicated) queries that appeared in IBM tech notes in 2014. You need to run them from a DB2 command line, not the TSM command line, so you initialy connect to the TSM database then run the queries like this db2 connect to tsmdb1 db2 set schema tsmdb1 db2 select tu. name, cast(rowsintable as bigint),cast(tableusedmb as bigint),cast(tableallocmb as bigint),cast(indexusedmb as bigint),cast(indexallocmb as bigint) - from ( select substr(tabname,1,28) as name, bigint(card) as rowsintable, bigint(float(t. npages)(1024(b. pagesize1024))) as tableusedmb from syscat. tables t, syscat. tablespaces b where t. tbspaceb. tbspace and t. tabschemaTSMDB1 ) as tu, ( select substr(tabname,1,28) as name, bigint(sum(i. nleaf)(b. pagesize1024)1024) as indexusedmb from syscat. indexes i, syscat. tablespaces b - where i. tbspaceidb. tb spaceid and i. tabschemaTSMDB1 - group by tabname, pagesize ) as iu, ( select substr(tabname,1,28) as name, bigint(dataobjectpsize1024) as tableallocmb, bigint(indexobjectpsize1024) as indexallocmb from sysibmadm. admintabinfo ) as ta - where tu. nameiu. name and tu. nameta. name and tu. nameSCHEDULEEVENT with ur db2 select tu. name, cast(rowsintable as bigint),cast(tableusedmb as bigint),cast(tableallocmb as bigint),cast(indexusedmb as bigint),cast(indexallocmb as bigint) - from ( select substr(tabname,1,28) as name, bigint(card) as rowsintable, bigint(float(t. npages)(1024(b. pagesize1024))) as tableusedmb from syscat. tables t, syscat. tablespaces b - where t. tbspaceb. tbspace and t. tabschemaTSMDB1 ) as tu, ( select substr(tabname,1,28) as name, bigint(sum(i. nleaf)(b. pagesize1024)1024) as indexusedmb - from syscat. indexes i, syscat. tablespaces b where i. tbspaceidb. tbspaceid and i. tabschemaTSMDB1 - group by tabname, pagesize ) as iu, ( select substr(tabname,1,28) as name, bigint(dataobjectpsize1024) as tableallocmb, bigint(indexobjectpsize1024) as indexallocmb from sysibmadm. admintabinfo ) as ta - where tu. nameiu. name and tu. nameta. name and tu. nameACTIVITYSUMMARY with ur Backing up the TSM Database It is very important that your TSM database is regularily backed up using TSM commands, so it can be recovered if it gets corrupted. Most sites take 2 types of backup, an on-site copy to disk and an off-site copy to tape. The location of TSM database backup files are stored in the volume history, so it is essential at a minimum that you backup both the volume history file, and the TSM database. It is also a good idea to backup the device config file at the same time. The shortest database backup command is simply backup db devclassclassname Where the classname in the command points to a sequential access device class, either disk or tape. This will default to an incremental backup that will use scratch tapes and the command line will not hang while the backup runs. You can change these defaults by using parameters ScratchNo means dont use scratch tapes and then you have to tell TSM which volumes to use with a VOLumenamescsvvolumelist parameter WaitNo means the command will wait until the database backup completes before it moves on to the next task. This is typically used in automated server management scripts. The TYPE parameter is used to decide what tpe of backup to take. Options are TypeFull, TypeIncremental or TypeDBSnapshot. A Full backup will copy the entire TSM database and will then truncate the TSM server active and archive logs. An Incremental backup will copy the changes that have been made to the TSM database between the current point in time and the last full database backup. The maximum number of incremental backups you can run between full backups is 32. A DBsnapshot is also a full backup of the TSM database, but it runs independently of the full incremental backup sequence and will not truncate the TSM database transaction logs. BACKUP DEVCONFIG command backups up the device class definitions, library definitions, drive definitions and exit definitions. You must have this information available to restore the Tivoli Storage Manager database. The command is simply with an optional Filenames parameter where you can tell TSM where to store the backups. If you dont use the Filenames parameter, then TSM looks for the filename that is contained in the server options file, under the DEVCONFIG option. The BACKUP VOLHISTORY command saves history records for database backup and dump volumes, and information about lots of other volumes, for instance Volumes removed by using the DELETE VOLUME command or during reclamation of scratch volumes. The command is simply with an optional Filenames parameter where you can tell TSM where to store the backups. If you dont use the Filenames parameter, then TSM looks for the filename that is contained in the server options file, under the VOLUMEHISTORY option. There is one thing to be aware of, if you start poking about in the db2diag. log file for the DB2 system that the TSM server runs on. You might see error messages like MESSAGE. ADM10502W Health indicator quotDatabase Backup Requiredquot (quotdb. dbbackupreqquot) is in state quotManual backup requiredquot on quotdatabasequot quottsm1.TSMDB1quot This is just the DB2 health monitor warning that the database config is set to AUTODBBACKUP OFF as DB2 thinks it should be managing database backups. TSM needs to manage its own database backups so it can update the volume history file when backups run, so AUTODBBACKUP should be set to OFF and this is working as designed. As long as you are scheduling database backups through TSM, the ADM10502W messages can be ignored. Restoring the TSM Database The restore process will depend on what you need to achieve and where you are starting from. Three major scenarios exist The database is broken and requires a simple restore up to the last committed transaction The database is corrupt and needs a point in time restore to a known good state The hosting server has crashed and a full DR restore is required Taking these three in turn. Restoring a server database to its most current state Assuming the active and archive logs are intact, all backups exist and all the files and directories for the database still exist, the restore process is simply halt the server then from the OS command line, issue the command dsmserv restore db Restoring a server database to a point in time This is a little more complex. You need the latest full backup and the latest incremental backup from before the point in time. You also need the Server options file and the Volume history file, but note that the volume history file is wiped by the restore process, so take a copy of it before you start. If necessary, re-create your database and recovery log directories. To restore the database to a backup that was created before 16:00 on August 23, 2014, enter: dsmserv restore db todate08232014 totime16:00 The server will then find the last full backup from the volume history file and restore it, then work its way through any incremental backups create before the date and time specified above. However, the problem is that as you have wound the database back to a previous time, it is now out of step with the data in the storage pools, as migration and expiration might have run after the backup. Your old volume history file has a record of all volume usage, so take a look at it and pull out a list of all volumes that were changed after the point in time restore. What you are looking for is volume statuses of STGREUSE (updates) STGNEW (added volumes) and STGDELETE (removed volumes) - you can do this while you are waiting for the restore to run. Run an AUDIT VOLUME command with the FIXYES parameter against all your disk volumes, and all tape volumes marged as reused or deleted. If storage pool volumes were added after the backup you will need to add them again. If the audit cannot find a backup file, it will be permanently lost and so copied again on the next backup. If the file exists in a copy storage pool, it will be marked as damaged, so you will need to run the RESTORE STGPOOL command to get those files restored from the copy. If you dont have any backups, the ultimate cleanup is to run DELETE VOLUME with the DISCARDYES parameter, but this will delete your backup data. You will also need to run an AUDIT LIBRARY command to fix any tape volume anomalies. Disaster Recovery issues A disaster recovery restore adds another layer of complexity. First you need to rebuild your server, hopefully from a SYSBAK or MKSYSB that puts all the relevant code back exactly as it was. If you do need to re-install TSM then note that the IBM manuals specifically state that The restore operation must be done by a Tivoli Storage Manager server at a code level that is the same as that on the server that was backed up - This means that the server code level can not change at all - not even by a patch level. You will probably then need to define your tape library, at least one drive, and paths using DEFINE LIBRARY, DEFINE DRIVE and DEFINE PATH commands. At this point you should have a TSM system ready for restore, so you can follow whichever of the 2 options above is appropriate. Best practice for Database and Storage Pool disks The following are some of the Best Practices recommendations from IBM for setting up DB disk volumes for TSM Servers Use fast, low latency disks for the Database, use SSD if you can afford it. Avoid the slower internal disks included by default in most AIX servers, and avoid consumer grade PATASATA disks. Use faster disks for the Active Logs too. Do not mix active logs with disks containing the DB, archive logs, or system files such as page or swap space. Slower disks for archive logs and failover archive logs can be used, if needed. Use multiple database containers. For an average size DB, it is recommended to use at least 4 containers initially for the DB. Larger TSM servers, or TSM servers planning on using data deduplication, should have up to 8 containers or more. You should plan for growth with additional containers up front as adding containers later can result in an imbalance of IO and create hot spots. Place each database container in a different filesystem. This improves performance DB2 will stripe the database data across the various containers. Tivoli Storage Manager supports up to 128 containers for the DB. Ideally place each container on a different LUN, though this is not so important for high end disks like XIV or VMAX. There should be a ratio of one database directory, array, or LUN for each inventory expiration process. The block size for the DB varies depending on the tablespace, most are 16K, but a few are 32K. Segmentstrip sizes on disk subsystems should be 64K or 128K. If you use RAID, then define all your LUNs with the same size and type. Dont mix 41 RAID5 and 42 RAID6 together. RAID10 will outperform RAID for heavy write workloads, but costs twice as much. RAID1 is good for active logs. Smaller capacity disks are better than larger ones if they have the same rotational speed. Have containers on disks that have the same capacity and IO characteristics. dont mix 10K and 15K drives for the DB containers. Cache subsystem readahead is good to use for the active logs it helps in archiving them faster. Disk subsystems detect readahead on a LUN by LUN basis. If you have multiple reads going against a LUN, then this detection fails. So several smaller LUNs are better than a few large ones, but too many LUNS can be harder to manage. However it is very difficult to given generic rules about disk configuration as this very much depends on what type of disks you are using. High end disk subsystems such as the EMC DMX, the HDS VSP and the IBM DS8000 have very large front end cache to speed up performance, and stripe data in a way that makes it difficult to separate data by physical spindle. The IBM XIV takes this virtualisation to a higher level again. To get the best performance from these devices you want enough LUNs to spread the IO and get readahead cahce benefit, but not so many that they become difficlult to manage. For the XIV, consider using a queue depth of 64 per HBA to get best advantage of the parallelism capabilities. Dont stripe your data using logical volumes, let the hardware do the striping. As a rule of thumb, consider using 50GB volumes for DISK pools and 25GB volumes for file pools. Define the same number of volumes per LUN as the RAID type to make up the LUN, so for example with 41 RAID5, define 450GB volumes per LUN, then each LUN will use 250GB, with effective capacity of 200GB. The Unix Tips section contains some detail on how to use VMSTAT and IOSTAT commands to investigate potential disk bottlenecks. Using DB2 commands on a TSM server IBMs design model for TSM v6 and upwards is to store TSM metadata in a DB2 database, without the TSM administrators needing to know anything about DB2 and how to manage it. It is now becoming obvious that a TSM Administrator does need to know a bit of DB2, but it would always be wise to contact IBM for advice before running base DB2 cvommands. If you have a test sandpit system that you can try things out on, then here are a few DB2 commands that might be useful. On Windows, you start a DB2 command line from Start - gt All Programs - gt IBMDB2 - gt Command Line Tools. AUTHORISING A USERID TO BE ABLE TO START THE TSM SERVER The TSM DB2 system is owned by the userid that installed it, and normally only that userid has the administration authority needed to manage the DB2 database, including the ability to start the TSM service. However you can give access to another userid using DB2 commands. Open up a command line as the TSM instance owner by right clicking on it and taking the run as option. You will need the instance owner userid and password to do this. Once you have the command line, type the following commands db2 connect to tsmdb1 db2 grant dbadm on database to user TSMADMIN Userid TSMADMIN can now be used to stop and start the TSM services Recovering from a full archive log Under tsm 6.x, the archive and active log directories can fill up, and if they do, the server will shut down. To prevent this, you need to make sure you trigger a FULL database backup once the archive log hits a threshold, but if the worst happens and the log files do fill up, you need a recovery process. If this happens then you cannot use TSM commands to move the logs into bigger directories, as you cannot start TSM. What you need to do is create temporary logs elsewhere, then prune the archive log using native DB2 commands. However, remember that the archive log will hold enough information to wind back through the last 2 full backups, so you need to run 2 full backups to clear it down. Create a temporary directory large enough to hold your active logs. The dsmserv. opt file may contain the log sizes in the ACTIVELOGSIZE parameter, and if not, it will point to the physical log location. Open a DB2 command line and run the commands below to switch the logs to a new location Set db2instanceSERVER1 db2start db2 update db cfg for tsmdb1 using newlogpath pathtonewlogs db2stop db2start Activate the database to copy the log files with the following command, this command does not affect the original logs. This may take a while, and success will be indicated when you see a command prompt again. db2 activate db tsmdb1 Now you need to back the database up to clear the logs out, and you need to do this on disk, so identify or create a directory with enough space to take a database backup then run the following DB2 commands. db2stop db2start db2 backup db tsmdb1 to pathtodatabasebackupdirectory The archive logs will start pruning once you see the Backup Successful message, but this could take a while to appear if your database is large. Make a note of the backup timestamp, which will look something like The timestamp for this backup image is: 20120412130821 Find some more space, and run another full DB2 database backup with the command. db2 backup db tsmdb1 to pathtoanotherdatabasebackupdirectory When this second backup completes, the archive log directory and original active log directory are empty of log files. Make a note of the backup timestamp again, let us call this one 20120412150425 Now you need to delete the first backup using these commands - note how you use the timestamp from step 4.db2stop db2start db2 connect to tsmdb1 db2 PRUNE HISTORY 20120412130821 WITH FORCE OPTION AND DELETE Point DB2 back to the original, empty active log in the original location, you will get this from the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY parameter in dsmserv. optdb2 UPDATE DATABASE CONFIG FOR TSMDB1 USING NEWLOGPATH pathtoactivelogdir Connect to the database again, and that will automatically start moving the active logs from the temporary location to original active log location, and again, this can take a while if the logs are big. db2 force application all db2stop db2start db2 connect to tsmdb1 Now you need to start the TSM server up and run a good backup. You need to start the server in the foreground to do this, so open a normal Windows command line and navigate to the server directory and run dsmserv. If you have more than one TSM server on this machine, you may need to use the - k option to get the right server. This will bring you up a TSM server command line. Disable your client sessions then take 2 full database backups. You need to know your backup device classes to be able to do this. Disable sessions Backup db typefull dev yourdbdevclass Delete the second DB2 database backup as follows, using the database timestamp that you recorded in step 5.db2 PRUNE HISTORY 20120412150425 WITH FORCE OPTION AND DELETE Now you can halt your server in the foreground, and start it normally. Remember to enable sessions. It is possible to query what is happening while a database recovery is in progress with the db2pd utility, a DB2 diagnostic tool that is provided with the TSM server installation code. You simply run this as a command from the shell prompt, like this: db2pd db2pdgt You are running db2pd in interactive mode. db2pdgt If you want command line mode, rerun db2pd with valid options. db2pdgt Type - h or - help for help. db2pdgt Type q to quit. To check out what is happening with a database recovery, run db2pdgt - recovery - db tsmdb1 STARTING AND STOPPING AUTO RUNSTATS Runstats is used to optimise access paths through the TSM tables and should normally be set to run automatically as required. However if runstats starts automatically when the TSM is started up after a database upgrade, it can cause performance problems to the extent that no-one can log into the system. To temporarily suspend auto runstats, before halting the TSM server for an upgrade, submit the following commands to the DB2 instance that is associated with the TSM server: db2 connect to tsmdb1 db2 update db cfg for TSMDB1 using AUTORUNSTATS OFF Now runstats will not start automatically when you restart TSM server. However you need runstats to keep your database optimised, so once you are happy that your TSM server is up and running, submit the following commands to the DB2 instance for your TSM server and Runstats will resume normal processing. db2 connect to tsmdb1 db2 update db cfg for TSMDB1 using AUTORUNSTATS ON If you have a corrupt TSM database, it is possible that it is just the database index that is corrupt and if so, it can be rebuilt without having to restore the whole database. You really should be involving IBM and following their advice before trying a rebuild, but it might be worth knowing how to tell if corruption in DB2 is with the Table or the Index. The DB2 Database Analyzing and Reporting tool, db2dart, can help here. If you run the tool and check the output, it will tell you which pool is in error. Look for messages like Error: Extent number 136 in tablespace 3 is orphaned. Then you need to grep the db2diag. log for Obj: The important part is the type type:0 is table, type:1 is index and if it is type:1 then the index can be rebuilt to fix the corruption issue, but as I said above, consult IBM first. SOME OTHER POTENTIALLY USEFUL COMMANDS You can enter any DB2 command from the DB2 command line, including SQL queries and commands that update or delete the database, so be careful. Some of the query commands could be useful for investigating TSM problems get instance - returns the name of the TSM server list active databases - will show the TSM database name as known to DB2, and the path to it. get dbm config - shows the settings for the database configuration manager db2start and db2stop - obvious what these are They should never be necessary as DB2 should be started automatically as part of the server startup, but if necessary, it can be done manually The following commands require you to be logged in with adminstrator authority and connected to a database get db cfg show detail - shows the confguration parameters for the database list tables - for the connected database describe table tablename - lists the columns for the specified table Automatic Database reorganisation issues Reclaimable Storage TSM should automatically tune and manage its database. However this might not always work. One problem that you might see is that your database grows a lot faster than you might have expected, even though you are running expiration and the number of objects in the database is not growing by much. Apart from consuming space, this growth can also cause performance problems. DB2 should have a feature called reclaimable storage which according to IBM can consolidate in-use extents below the high water mark and return unused extents in your table space to the system for reuse. A problem can arise if you originally installed TSM 6.1 as that used DB2 9.5 tablespaces and they do not have the reclaimable storage feature. If you then upgraded your TSM to higher levels, you will still be using DB2 9.5. You could get in touch with IBM and obtain the scripts that will allow you to upgrade DB2 to release 9.7. The issue is that the scripts must be run while the server is halted and generally require ten to thirty hours to run, and sometimes much longer. If you are not sure whether the database was created by installing Tivoli Storage Manager V6.1 or by installing a later version, issue the following SELECT command: db2 quotselect cast(TBSPNAME as char(30)), reclaimablespaceenabled from table(mongettablespace(,-1)) where TBSPNAME in (USERSPACE1,IDXSPACE1, LARGESPACE1,LARGEIDXSPACE1)quot gt reclaimablespace. txt In the output, the RECLAIMABLESPACEENABLED column displays a value of 0 for V6.1 databases, even if the server was later upgraded to V6.2 or later. If you installed TSM 6.2 then things are a bit better, as that used DB2 9.7, and that release did include reclaimable storage. However even then you might still not be able to reuse freed up space, as if your workload is high, the database reorg utility can conflict with your regular housekeeping. Large deduplicated storage pools can be an especial problem. How does TSM reclaimable storage work If you are running version or later, then online index reorganization is enabled by default, and a reorganization and cleanup process is run automatically on all tables. If you have the DISABLEINDEXREORG and DISABLEREORGCLEANUPINDEX options in your dsmserv. opt file, then these options will be silently ignored. If your server level is earlier than, then you may see ANR3497W messages in the activity log If a table requires reorganization, ANR3497W, quotReorganization is required on table table name. The reason code is 1.quot If the indexes for a table require reorganization, ANR3497W, quotReorganization is required on table table name. The reason code is 2.quot If an index reorganization with the CLEANUP PAGES ALL option is required on the BFBITFILEEXTENTS table, ANR3497W, quotReorganization is required on table BFBITFILEEXTENTS. The reason code is 3.quot TSM checks via DB2 to see which tables and indexes need to be reorganised, then it works through the list and processes the tables one at a time. It can take a long time to reorganise a large table, possibly a month or more. The process will be paused at the end of the daily reorg window, then restarted when the next daily window starts. When each table reorg is complete, TSM will run a RUNSTATS agains the table to optimise its performance. Once all the tables and indexes are reorganised, TSM will then wait at least 20 days before it starts the process again. Database reorganisation cannot run alongside database backup. If a backup is running, the reorg process will not start. If the reorg process is running, then every so often it will pause and allow a backup to run, if one is required or scheduled. If table reorganization is in progress at the end of the reorganization window, it is paused until the reorganization window starts the next day, when reorganization is resumed. If index reorganization is in progress at the end of the reorganization window, reorganization continues. It is not possible to pause index reorganizations. How do I know if TSM reclaimable storage is running The easiest way is to check the server log for messages ANR0293I and ANR0294I are issued when a table reorg starts and completes ANR0317I and ANR0318I are issued when a table index reorg starts and completes ANR0336I and ANR0337I are issued when a RUNSTATS starts and completes, when RUNSTATS is triggered at the end of a table or index reorg. A more direct way is to run the DB2 reorgchk command. Open a DB2 command window and type db2 reorgchk current statistics on table all db2reorgchk. out What control do I have over what reclaimable storage does You can run reorganisations online or offline. Online means run alongside other work, which might cause performance and contention issues. Offline means bring the server down to run the reorgs, but then the reorgs run 100 times faster. Neither of these options sounds attractive. In general, the more current your level of TSM, the better control you have over online reorgs. Some of the options below might not be valid for older releases of TSM. The default position is that online reorganisation can run 24 hours a day, but you can use options REORGBEGINTIME hh:mm and REORGDURATION nn to control when reorganisation starts, and how long it runs for. The nn parameter is hours. You should aim to schedule reorg activity at a time when server utilisation is low. Things to avoid are intense backup and archive processing, and expiration, migration, or reclamation. ALLOWREORGTABLE and ALLOWREORGINDEX can be set to NO or YES. The default values are YES for Table reorg and NO for Index reorg. Index reorg really needs to run at a quiet time, and if you enable it you must set the server option DBDB2KEEPTABLELOCK NO as it can cause database deadlocks (this is the default for TSM v6.3 onwards). Also, unlike Table reorg, Index reorg cannot be paused but if necessary it can be cancelled from a DB2 command line. I suggest you discuss options with IBM before enabling ALLOWREORGINDEX and DBDB2KEEPTABLELOCK NO as there are several factors to consider. If you see locking problems, for example error messages like ANR1880W: Server transaction was canceled because of a conflicting lock on table REPLICATINGOBJECTS, you can disable reorgs for selected tables or indexes. To do this you need to add parameters to the database options file, then halt and restart the server. The options are DISABLEREORGTABLE, DISABLEREORGIndex and DISABLEREORGCleanupindex. DISABLEREORGTABLE and DISABLEREORGIndex take a comma separated list of tables, while DISABLEREORGCleanupindex will only accept BFBITFILEEXTENTS. The following parameter are examples, you need to find out which tables are appropriate for your site. DISABLEREORGIndex and DISABLEREORGCleanupindex are deprecated from TSM 7.1.1. DISABLEREORGTABLE BFBITFILEEXTENTS, REPLICATINGOBJECTS, BACKUPOBJECTS DISABLEREORGIndex BACKUPOBJECTS, ARCHIVEOBJECTS DISABLEREORGCLEANUPINDEX BFBITFILEEXTENTS IBM advises that online reorganization might not work on the following tables: BFAGGREGATEDBITFILES BFBITFILEEXTENTS BACKUPOBJECTS ARCHIVEOBJECTS Investigating Problems with the Server Instance The first place to start is the TSM Active log, but if you need to go deeper, then the DB2 logs can be useful. However finding those logs can be a challenge as the location can depend on the the OS platform or even the OS release level. The best way to be sure you have the correct log is to check the DIAGPATH variable in DB2. Start up a DB2 command line, in Windows go to Start-gt Programs-gt IBM DB2-gt Command Line tools-gt Command Window and in UNIX, su - db2inst1 (db2inst1 is the default instance, if you change the instance name or have multiple instances, you need to su to the correct userid for your instance). You then type db2 to open the DB2 command line From the db2 command line type db2gt get dbm cfg. The command produces a lot of output, look for the line like Diagnostic data directory path (DIAGPATH) homeE1WT1e1wt1sqllibdb2dump and this shows the path to the log files. If the DIAGPATH is blank, look for the default PATH directory instead. quit gets you out of that DB2 command line The DB2diag. log contains information like database backups, table reorganizations, memory management messages, start and stop of TSM server and hardware information logged at instance start time, as well as error and warning messages. Sometimes when investigation TSM server problems, the DB2 terminology does not quite match TSM so the error messages in the DB2 logs can look a bit strange. For example, Tivoli Storage Manager refers to transactions which DB2 calls to units of work (UOW). Tivoli Storage Manager uses select statements where DB2 uses SQL and are also sometimes referred to as DML, or data manipulation language statements. Another potentially useful file is the startup trace log dsmupgdx. trc, which is located in c:program filestivolitsm for Windows or opttivolitsmserver for UNIX and Linux servers. If you get database startup problems its alwayus worth checking the file to see if any useful error messages exist. Some TSM errors messages are very generic and more investigation is needed to pinpoint the problem. An example is ANR8503E A failure occurred in writing to volume. To investigate this you need to enable a TSM server trace. To do this, enter the following commands from the TSM server command line trace disable trace enable pvr addmsg trace begin pathnametrace. out redo the activity that created the error message trace flush trace end trace disable The open the trace file and look at the messages that were written out just before the error. You might sometimes see an error message, ANR2981E Database backup terminated due to environment or setup issue related to file access - DB2 sqlcode -2033 sqlerrmc 106. The messages in the DB2 log file are a bit confusing, and will be something like MESSAGE. SQL2033N An error occurred while accessing TSM during the processing of a database utility. TSM reason code: . FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqlubDeleteVendorImage, probe:558 MESSAGE. SQL2062N An error occurred while accessing media quotquot. Reason code:quotquot. DATA 1. String, 27 bytes Error returned by sqluvdel. DATA 2. Vendor RC, PDDB2TYPEVENDORRC, 4 bytes Vendor RC0x0000001A26 -- see DB2 API Guide for meaning. DATA 3. Hexdump, 48 bytes 0x0A00060137109070. 0000 006A 3133 3639 2031 3036 0000 0000. j1369 106. 0x0A00060137109080. 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000. 0x0A00060137109090. 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000. A possible cause is that the DSMI variables are not defined correctly in the DB2 user profile. This is found in sqllibuserprofile in UNIXLinux systems. The script variables should be set as export DSMICONFIGhometsminst1tsminst1tsmdbmgr. opt export DSMIDIRusrtivolitsmclientapibin64 export DSMILOGhometsminst1tsminst1 Sometimes after a problem, DB2 goes into crash recovery mode and the TSM server appears to be hung. DB2 crash recovery can take a long time. If your TSM server is hung, check your DB2 db2diag. log for a message like MESSAGE. DIA2051W Forward phase of crash recovery has completed. Next LSN is 0000259AD0276FD8. Then log into DB2 as the instance owner and run the command db2 list utilities show detail. If Crash Recovery is active, the message will tell you how much work it needs to do, so you can estimate how much longer it will take. Some of the sample output of this command is shown below. Type CRASH RECOVERY Database Name TSMDB1 . Estimated Percentage Complete 100 Phase Number 1 . Phase Number Current 2 Total Work 25937697602 bytes Completed Work 25769328527 bytes Start Time 10172013 11:36:29.368810 Errors on Database Startup Your first point of call should be to raise an incident with TSM support and get advice on your problem. However the following might help. When trying to start up TSM the following error message can appear ANR0170E - Error detected, database restart required, and you may see errors in the actlog a bit like ANR0171I dbieval. c(874): Error detected on 3:2, database in evaluation mode. ANR0170E dbieval. c(935): Error detected on 3:2, database restart required. ANR0162W Supplemental database diagnostic information: -1:58031:-1034 (IBMCLI Driver SQL1034C The database is damaged. The application has been disconnected from the database. All applications processing the database have been stopped. The resolution is to restart DB2 manually with the RESTART command. Open up a DB2 command line window as explained above then issue the following set db2instancedb2inst1 (this is the default instance) db2 force application all db2stop db2 restart database db2inst1 You might have to run the restart command a few times before the issue is resolved. If this does not fix the problem you probably need to contact IBM Support, although you can use the db2dart command to run a database analysis. This generates a report file that would be useful for IBM support. db2 force application all db2stop db2dart db2inst1 db Another possible message is ANR0151W Database manager fails to start. This problem can occur after a database crash, maybe due to a hardware issue. If the database will not start up with the dsmserv command and you see errors like ANR0151W Database manager fails to start. Improper shutdown of instance produced orphaned IPC resources And you see entries like this in the db2diag. log I779399E357 LEVEL: Severe PID. 18375 TID. 140737134171936PROC. db2star2 INSTANCE: tsmserv NODE. 000 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, base sys utilities, DB2StartMain, probe:580 MESSAGE. ECF0x900003DE-1879047202ECFTRCAPIMUTEXLOCKERROR Trace facility mutex unexpected lock error The problem is that some Inter Process Communication (IPC) tasks are still active and are locking out resources. You need to cancel the DB2 instance then remove the IPC resoures. Log on with the Tivoli Storage Manager server instance user ID and run the following command to stop the DB2 instance db2stop or if necessary, db2kill Check to see if there are outstanding IPC resources that are associated with the instance Clean up any IPC resources that are associated with the instance - bash-3.1 ipclean ipclean: Removing DB2 engine and clients IPC resources for tsmserv. Verify whether there are outstanding IPC resources that were not removed by the ipclean command. If there are outstanding IPC resources associated to the instance, use the following commands to remove them To remove a shared memory segment resource ipcrm - m shmid To remove a semaphore resource ipcrm - s semid To remove a message queue resource ipcrm - q msgid Once all outstanding IPC resources have been removed, you should be able to restart the Tivoli Storage Manager server. On Windows, a TSM server might fail to start after an upgrade with the error ANR0188E Fail to start the database manager. Database manager license not found The DB2 License has probably expired. To check this, log onto windows with your TSM Server instance userid, open a command prompt and type DB2CLP. This will open another DB2CLP command window, and from this window enter the command db2licm - l. If the licence has expired you will see Product name: DB2 Enterprise Server Edition Expiry date: Expired Product identifier: db2ese Version information: x. x The DB2 license file is called db2ese. lic and was shipped with your TSM server package. Its location will depend on where you extracted the server package, but assuming you extracted to a directory d:tsmextract, you will find it in the following directory, where DB2x. x corresponds to your DB2 version number. d:tsmextractCOIPackageStepsDB2x. xFILESesedb2licensedb2ese. lic Navigate your command line to that directory, then you can register the DB2 license again with the following command db2licm - a db2ese. lic LIC1402I License added successfully. Run the db2licm - l command again and now you should see Product name: DB2 Enterprise Server Edition License type: Restricted Expiry date: Permanent Product identifier: db2ese Version information: x. x and you should be able to start your TSM Server instance normally. AIX Maximum Number of Processes You may see a database backup failing on an AIX server with an error like ANR2968E Database backup terminated. DB2 sqlcode: -2033. DB2 sqlerrmc: 292 If this error is not corrected the recovery log will fill up and crash the server. You may also see a message like Insufficient AIX system resource in the db2diag log file. The API error code 192 means that the API was unable to fork or create a process to do its database backup. AIX has a parameter called maxuproc which limits the maximum number of processes that a user is allowed per user, and this value should be increased. To see what value is set, use the command lsattr - l sys0 - E grep maxuproc and to change the value use the command below, selecting a value that is suitable for your server. chdev - l sys0 - a maxuproc2048 Effect of Deduplication on Database size Deduplication will save a lot of backend storage, but it does this at the expense of increasing the size of the TSM database because the TSM database has to store and track the metadata that is required to manage the deduplication. The exact amount of extra space required is difficult to calculate up front, as it depends on your average deduplication chunk size and this will vary depending on how well your data deduplicates. IBM suggests an typical chunk size of 100,000 bytes, and provides some scripts that you can run to measure your exact average chunk size once you have deduplication working. Each chunk needs 490 bytes of metadata to describe the data in the primary pool, and another 190 bytes for the data in each copy pool. A starting point is to estimate your database size without deduplication, and to do this you use the formula dbsize filecount numberofbackupcopies 200 To give you an idea of how many backup files exist, you can find the number of backup files that you are holding with the following SQL query on an existing server select sum(cast(numfiles as bigint)) from occupancy where nodename is not null and filespaceid is not null To calculate the deduplication overhead, use the formula below to get the number of chunks chunkcount totalbackedupdatainGB 10,000 2 The doubling factor at the end of the formula is to cater for base deduplication chunks that is, chunks that must remain even after a file is expired and deleted from TSM. The extra database overhead is then chunkcount (490 190 extrabackupcopies) Running this formula on an existing server with a 135GB database predicted an increase of 105GB with deduplication, which is not a trivial amount. Moving a TSM database hosted on Windows If you run your TSM server under Windows, then by default, your TSM database will be installed on the C: This can be an issue as the C: is usually reserved for system data, and system administrators prefer that your application data be stored on a different drive. It is possible to move the database using the DB2 utility db2relocatedb. However db2relocatedb will not actually move your database, you have to do that yourself. What it does is update the pointers within DB2 so it knows where the database has been moved to. First, just confirm that the database is allocated on the C. Run the db2cmd command from a Windows command line to open a DB2 command line, then run db2 list database directory and within the command listing you should see a line Local database directory C: Now, just incase something goes wrong, run a full TSM database backup Stop the TSM Server with the HALT command. This should stop DB2 as well, but check and make sure it is down. Copy your data to the new drive with the Windows copy command. Assuming you are going to the G. this would be copy c:server1 g:server1 Yes, you could move it, but if you use copy, the original data is still on the c: incase anything unforseen happens - nothing wrong with having 2 backout plans Take a look at the copy, and make sure the data and directory structure is as you expected The db2relocatedb utility needs a configuration file to tell it what you are moving. The configuration file would normally be created in the same directory as db2relocateddb runs from and is usually called reloc. cfg. However you can create the file anywhere, in which case you need to specify the absolute path in the command example below. Assuming you are using the default TSM database name and database instance then in our case, the config file will contain DBNAMETSMDB1 DBPATHC:,G: INSTANCESERVER1 Create this file then run the db2relocatedb command pointing it to the configuration file location. db2relocatedb - f reloc. cfg Now start your TSM server up again and check that all is well. Rerun that db2 list database directory command and check that the server is actually running from the g: Once you are certain all is well you can deleted the data off the c:
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